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UserStatus stores the user status information regarding moderation state.

type UserStatus {  current: [USER_STATUS!]!  username: UsernameStatus!  ban: BanStatus!  suspension: SuspensionStatus!  premod: PremodStatus!  warning: WarningStatus!  modMessage: ModMessageStatus!}


current ([USER_STATUS!]!)#

current represents the current statuses applied to the User.

username (UsernameStatus!)#

username stores the history of username changes for this user

ban (BanStatus!)#

banned stores the user banned status as well as the history of changes.

suspension (SuspensionStatus!)#

suspension stores the user suspension status as well as the history of changes.

premod (PremodStatus!)#

premod stores the user premod status as well as the history of changes.

warning (WarningStatus!)#

warning stores the user warning status as well as the history of warnings

modMessage (ModMessageStatus!)#

modMessage stores the user moderation message status as well as the history of moderation messages